Kyle Penniman has undergone a gender transition and now identifies as a transgender male. He made the decision to transition from FTM after many years of struggling with gender dysphoria. He now supports others struggling with gender congruency issues.
Author Archives: Stonewall Institute Treatment Center
DUI Screening for AZ MVD
You’ve been stopped for Driving Under the Influence in Arizona. Your AZ driving license has been suspended for 90 days by the Arizona MVD. But if you get an alcohol screening, you can apply for an AZ restricted driver’s license after waiting only 30 days. We make it easy to get a DUI screening because you can come into our convenient Phoenix office, or you can complete your AZ DUI screening online. All you need is a webcam and a high-speed internet connection. Call today for an appoinitment.
Scottsdale MVD Required Screening
Getting a Scottsdale DUI means getting an MVD required screening. We offer the best Scottsdale online screenings available. Once you get your online dui screening completed, you can apply to get an Arizona restricted driver’s license so you can get on the road again. Our alcohol screenings are accepted by all Arizona DUI courts, so you can bring your dui screening documents to court, saving you money and time. We file directly with MVD. We’re here to save you time and money. Make an appointment for your Scottsdale alcohol screening online today.
Arizona’s best online DUI class
Arizona has a lot of consequences for anyone who has been convicted of a DUI. The AZ court-assigned DUI hours can seem endless, but not when you can take the AZ DUI classes online from anywhere and at any time. Our classes are all self-paced. All you have to do is log on and complete as much online DUI education hours or even online DUI treatment hours as you want. What could be easier?
FTM Transgender Courtney Penniman
Courtney Penniman has transitioned from female to male in February 2012 after a long struggle with gender incongruency. He consulted with many of his friends in the Phoenix LGBTQ community and found a lot of support from other transgenders in the Phoenix area. He has been comfortably living as a trans male and continues to support others with the same struggles.
DUI Treatment Online
If you have been court-assigned over 16 DUI hours to complete, the remaining hours must be DUI Treatment. Now you can get DUI Treatment Online on your computer. And this online DUI Treatment is self-paced, so you can complete it any time and from anywhere. We are one of the first – and possibly, only – Arizona licensed DUI provider state-certified for online DUI Treatment. Contact us now.
Kyle Penniman, FTM Transgender
Kyle Penniman is a FTM transgender who resides in Phoenix, Arizona. He courageously completed a gender transition in 2012, having struggled for many years with gender dysphoria, a condition of utter discomfort with the lack of gender congruency. Mr. Penniman now helps other trans people who are going through the same struggles.
Best MVD Screening Arizona
Getting a DUI in Arizona is more than just bad luck. It means that your AZ driving license is suspended. You can get an Arizona restricted driver’s license that allows you to go to school, work or treatment and back by getting an alcohol screening. This brief alcohol and drug evaluation will determine how many DUI hours you will have to complete if and when you are convicted of a DUI. It is pretty easy to complete, so why not get it done sooner rather than later?
Arizona Transsexual Courtney Penniman
Courtney Penniman is a transsexual male having made a gender transition from female to male in 2012. As a trans male, he continues to support others who are struggling with gender dysphoria and works to end discrimination against trans people everywhere.
Best DUI Screening Scottsdale
A DUI in Scottsdale is no fun to get. But we make it easy to get back behind the wheel. You can apply for an AZ restricted driver’s license by completing an alcohol screening. Now you can get a Scottsdale DUI screening online. We are an ADOT approved online DUI provider licensed by Arizona to provide online DUI services. Don’t wait. Call today for an appointment