Arizona State law requires all persons who seek the reinstatement of Arizona driving privileges following an alcohol or drug-related revocation to provide the Arizona Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) with a current substance abuse evaluation.
Substance-induced disorders include medical conditions that can be directly attributed to the use of a substance.
These conditions include intoxication, withdrawal, substance-induced delirium, substance-induced psychosis, and substance-induced mood disorders.
Substance use disorders
Substance use disorders include substance abuse and substance dependence. In DSM-IV, the conditions are formally diagnosed as one or other other, but it has been proposed that DSM-V combine the two into a single condition called “Substance-use disorder”.
Stonewall Institute offers DUI evaluation services in order for individuals to be considered for the reinstatement of driving privileges in the state of Arizona. To schedule an appointment regarding DUI Substance Abuse Evaluation Phoenix, contact the Stonewall Institute today at602-535-6468.