Self-Paced Online DUI Classes

Why tie yourself to someone else’s schedule? Now you can take completely self-paced online AZ DUI classes. That means you can complete your Level I DUI or Level II DUI hours anytime and from anywhere you have your computer. We offer online DUI education classes and online DUI Treatment Classes accepted by all Arizona DUI courts and all DUI hours approved by ADOT.

Online DUI Class Arizona

Complete all DUI classes online with Arizona’s most secure online application. If you have been court-assigned 16 DUI hours, you can complete all 16 DUI hours online. You can even complete 36 DUI hours online, 46 DUI hours online, 54 DUI hours online, 72 DUI hours online or 100 DUI hours online. It doesn’t matter if you are an Arizona Level I DUI Offender of an Arizona Level II DUI Offender. You can complete all Arizona DUI classes online. And all of our self-paced online DUI classes are accepted by all Arizona DUI courts as well as accepted by ADOT.

Best Online DUI Treatment AZ

An Arizona Level I DUI is designated for some individuals who have gotten a DUI in Arizona and have been court-assigned over 16 DUI hours. The first 16-hour DUI class is a DUI education class. The remaining hours need to be DUI Treatment. We offer DUI Treatment online. Unlike other online DUI classses, our online DUI treatment is completely self-paced and accepted by all Arizona DUI courts.

Best AZ Online DUI Classes

Take all of Arizona’s DUI classes online with the best AZ online DUI service provider. We are completely licensed and approved by ADOT to provide all online DUI classes. Our computer DUI classes are accepted by all Arizona DUI courts and Arizona MVD for DUI requirements. What could be more convenient than taking the Arizona DUI required classes online?

Tempe Complete Online DUI Services

Stonewall Institute offers the most complete online DUI services in Tempe.  We are completely licensed to provide Tempe DUI services online.  When you get a DUI in Tempe, you learn that there are a lot of steps you must take.  Now you can complete all DUI requirements on computer and know that they will be accepted by Arizona MVD accepted Tempe DUI court and accepted by all Arizona DUI courts.  Our Vsee videoconferencing application allows Arizona’s best and most secure internet-based DUI services.   Call today to make an appointment for an online DUI screening, to enroll in online DUI education class and to join our online DUI Treatment group at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].  You can also visit the website at

Best Online DUI Education Class Scottsdale

Stonewall Institute is providing the best Scottsdale DUI education classes on the internet.  Our online DUI class is accepted by Scottsdale court and accepted by all Arizona DUI courts.  If you’ve gotten stopped for a DUI in Scottsdale and need to take the 16-hour drug and alcohol class, you’ll want to take our drug and alcohol awareness class online.  To enroll, call us at 602-535-6468 or email at [email protected].  For more information, check out our website at

Online DUI Class Scottsdale

Stonewall Institute is a licensed Scottsdale online DUI service provider offering DUI classes online to anyone who has been arrested for a DUI in Scottsdale.  This is the same DUI education class that’s been given to resoundingly positive feedback for years.  Now Scottsdale DUI clients can take our alcohol and drug education class by computer at their own pace.  This class is accepted by Scottsdale DUI courts.  This class is, in fact, accepted by all Arizona DUI courts.  To find out more about our affordable online DUI school, call us at 602-535-6468 or email at [email protected].  For more information, check out our website at

Affordable Online DUI Class Phoenix

Stonewall Institute in Phoenix has posted an affordable online Arizona DUI education class that is accepted by all Arizona dui courts.  If you have an Arizona dui and are court ordered to a 16 hour dui education class, you can take the dui alcohol and drug education class online at your own pace from your own computer.  Don’t be fooled by other websites.  The dui class must be taken from an online dui provider licensed by AZ Department of Health Services and be an approved dui provider through the AZ MVD.  Call us to enroll in our affordable online dui class today at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].  For more information, visit our website at

Affordable Online DUI Education Class Arizona

Stonewall Institute provides one of the most affordable online dui education classes in Arizona.  If you have been convicted of a dui in Arizona, you’ll want to get the best dui education class available that specifically addresses Arizona dui requirements.   We are licensed in Arizona to provide dui services and have been providing them for years at our Phoenix location.  Now the same alcohol and drug education class that is accepted by all Arizona dui courts is offered online at an affordable price for your convenience.  Call today to enroll at 602-535-6468, Email: [email protected], or visit our website at

Best Online DUI Class Arizona

Stonewall Institute offers the best online DUI class in Arizona.  Our online alcohol and drug education class is accepted by all Arizona dui courts and fulfills any MVD dui requirements.  We are licensed in Arizona to provide all dui services online.  Now you can take yourcourt-mandated dui education class by computer from anywhere.  Call today to enroll at 602-535-6468, Email: [email protected], or visit our website at