Stonewall Institute offers the best counseling for alcohol abuse Arizona. We know that there are many alcohol treatment programs in Arizona. Some Arizona alcohol treatment involves going away to an expensive Arizona residential alcohol treatment center for 28 days. Studies show that 28 days is not enough after months or years of alcohol abuse. Our alcohol counseling program allows anyone struggling with alcohol abuse or who has just finished a residential alcohol treatment program to continue their life commitments while getting the support and counseling for issues of alcohol abuse. The Intensive Outpatient Program at Stonewall Institute provides alcohol counselors who are highly trained in the field of addiction. And because this is an IOP, issues that come up in real life situations are dealt with immediately. Our relapse prevention program and aftercare treatment for alcohol abuse is just what you or your loved one needs if staying sober is a daily struggle. Call us today at 602-535-6468 and visit our website at
Tag Archives: alcohol counseling program
Arizona Alcohol Counseling Program
Stonewall Institute offers a superior alcohol counseling program in an upscale treatment setting at an affordable price. We provide services for anyone suffering from the consequences of alcohol abuse wants help. Our Intensive Outpatient Program is a non-residential alcohol and drug rehab, allowing clients to sustain life responsibilities and address issues as they appear. Clients in our drug and alcohol treatment program will learn about underlying issues that contribute to substance dependence and obtain the vital skills necessary to sustain long-term sobriety and recovery. For more information, check out the website at and call us at 602-535-6468.