Alcohol Screening Tempe

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screening tempe to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

Because denial is a frequent characteristic of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, you may not feel like you need treatment. You might not recognize how much you drink or how many problems in your life are related to alcohol use. Listen to family members, friends or co-workers when they ask you to examine your drinking habits or to seek help. The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence.

To speak with a counselor regarding alcohol screening tempe, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screening tempe to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

People who abuse alcohol may have many of the same signs and symptoms as people who have full-blown alcoholism. However, if you abuse alcohol but aren’t completely addicted to it, you may not feel as much of a compulsion to drink. You may not have physical withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink. But alcohol abuse can still cause serious problems. As with alcoholism, you may not be able to quit drinking without help.

The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence.  If you would like to schedule an alcohol screening tempe, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screening tempe to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

Alcoholism is a chronic disease in which your body becomes dependent on alcohol. When you have alcoholism, you lose control over your drinking. You may not be able to control when you drink, how much you drink, or how long you drink on each occasion. If you have alcoholism, you continue to drink even though you know it’s causing problems with your relationships, health, work or finances.

To schedule an alcohol screening tempe appointment today to discuss your problems with alcohol, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings tempe to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

It’s possible to have a problem with alcohol but not have all the symptoms of alcoholism. This is known as “alcohol abuse,” which means you drink too much and it causes problems in your life although you aren’t completely dependent on alcohol. If you have alcoholism or you abuse alcohol, you may not be able to cut back or quit without help. A number of approaches are available to help you recover from alcoholism, including medications, counseling and self-help groups.

To schedule an alcohol screening tempe, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.