How to Carry Out a Substance Abuse Intervention

How to Carry Out a Substance Abuse Intervention

More often than not, a loved one places an individual addicted to alcohol or drugs into an alcohol and drug treatment program without much of their consent. With this comes lots of consequence that too often isn’t considered. Due to the fact that the addicted individual doesn’t want to make the change for themselves, there’s too likely of a chance of drug and alcohol relapse.

The only way to assure that alcohol and drug treatment will work is when the individual wants the change for himself/herself. Without this desire, they lack the motivation to go down the rough (but rewarding) path of alcohol and drug recovery. Even though it can be very difficult to give someone this motivation, it is possible. And it’s possible through an intervention.

The purpose of intervention is to help these individuals realize their need for alcohol and drug treatment. This can be done solely through the emotional offering of loved ones.

The Confrontational


This is the most direct form of an alcohol or drug intervention one can find. Just as the name implies, it’s an encounter that involves changing the addict’s frame of mind. For some time, the confrontational intervention was done as a means of punishment. Everyone involved would point out the addict’s flaws and criticize until some kind of emotion came out. Punishment being viewed as a means of focus until the individual changed his or her ways.

Now, these flaws are viewed more as an illness. And instead of criticism, there is meant to be a sense of support in the confrontation. This is one of the most widely acclaimed methods of drug and alcohol intervention and generally the go-to for many supporters looking to change their loved one. It’s been studied that addicted individuals genuinely react better to a confrontation that remains positive rather than negative.

The reason for this is many don’t want to be blamed for their life decisions. Though some of this might occur, they’d rather feel optimism when coming out of the intervention. A positive point-of-view that their lives have a chance to change and flourish in any direction they can dream.

This is the desired outcome of a successful intervention. How to go about it will be different for different families and friends. However, there are a few aspects that remain the same.

  1. Make a note as to where the addicted individual has gone wrong (without placing blame).
  2. Inform them that you have strong hope for their potential.
  3. Offer alcohol and drug treatment options.
  4. Make sure they never forget the support you will always offer on their journey.

The Johnson Model


Though there are some relatable aspects of the confrontational intervention, the Johnson Model holds one distinct difference. The idea behind this kind of intervention is to highly educate loved ones and supporter of the addict’s situation. With this, it’s also important to bring to mind how the addict should be confronted and how to find him or her help.

The Johnson Model intervention generally requires multiple meetings as a way of digging into the individual’s frame of mind. Due to this, a drug and alcohol mental health professional is often ideal as they will know the direction in which to take the conversation. With a substance abuse professional and multiple interventions, there’s a likely chance that the addict will feel less of a need to defend themselves. And more of a desire to open up about their problem.

Tough Love


There are many instances where the loved ones of a drug and alcohol addict are too afraid to say no. With this kind of easy-going attitude, the addicted individual often gets him/herself further into a drug and alcohol addiction without feeling any sense of consequence. This is ideal for family members with the desperate desire to get the addict into alcohol and drug intensive inpatient and outpatient treatment, but who’s also unsure as to how to carry this out.

However, it should be noted that this is often a last resort intervention method. The reason being is that there are plenty of instances where the addict ends up feeling a backlash from those who care – as though he/she is being punished and blamed. Therefore, the addicted individual ends up pushing himself further away from loved ones and further into drug and alcohol addiction.

A trained substance use professional is highly suggested for the Tough Love method. Within the method, lots of threats will be made towards the addicted individual. These heavy threats need to be followed through if the addict doesn’t comply. If not, then there’s the sense that the loved one doesn’t really know what he/she is doing. An alcohol and drug counselor can guide these threats and reassure that they will be followed through on.

The purpose of Tough Love is to limit all resources you provide to the individual until alcohol and drug treatment is seriously considered. These resources can include money, around-the-house tasks, or even the shelter you’re providing.

With a substance use professional helping the loved one throughout this intervention, they can also help out the addicted individual. For the Tough Love method often leaves them feeling victimized and in a situation where no one is truly there for them. The professional alcohol and drug counselor may need to be the one there.

As you can see, this isn’t something most loved ones want to go through and should only be done as a last resort.

The Crisis


The purpose of this type of intervention is fairly obvious. It’s meant for individuals going through an emergency situation – in an example, someone who’s just overdosed. Though the height of the emergency holds importance to the decision, most of the time, alcohol and drug treatment is necessary as immediately as possible.

There’s a problem underlying the crisis that’s mentioned in the introduction. If the addicted individual doesn’t desire to enter alcohol and substance use treatment, then this immediacy may seem entirely useless. For these kinds of situations, you might want to get a substance abuse professional involved in the intervention itself. Professionals specializing in alcohol and drug use hold the capability of getting individuals evaluated for commitment.

As you will assume, there are still occasions where individuals aren’t in the right frame of mind to be entering alcohol and drug treatment. However, if he or she is in a position of harming themselves or others around them, force may be necessary. It’s not the ideal way to go about substance use treatment, but unfortunately, for some people, it’s absolutely necessary.

The reason being is addicted individuals are highly prone to mental disorders. With this comes a risk for suicide. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, ninety percent of suicide victims are mentally ill. As claimed by Helpguide, fifty percent of people who suffer from mental health abuse some kind of substance.

Still, the cause of a crisis goes beyond mental health. There are instances that will appear in anyone’s life that can throw them into a state of emergency – heavy financial problems, legal issues, homelessness, etc.

To top it off, the crisis could be stemming into other people’s lives rather than the addict’s. In an example, a pill-addicted mother may be ignorant towards her child.

The crisis intervention is without a doubt the most difficult kind to handle – crises are never expected. Therefore, gather together the necessary loved ones to have the intervention with may be very short notice and unplanned. With that, it is suggested you get an alcohol and drug counselor involved in setting up the dialogue of conversation. This will guarantee that what needs to be said will be conversed and the possibility of alcohol and drug treatment will be the dominant topic.

The ARISE Method


According to the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, the ARISE method works about eighty-three percent of the time. Patients who receive this form of alcohol and drug intervention often feel moved by it for an important reason. It incorporates both direct and indirect models of intervention.

As opposed to the confrontational or Tough Love method – in which an addicted individual is ridiculed for their behavior – the ARISE method seeks to solve the addiction problem. Involving both the loved ones and the addicted individual through both of their perspectives. The entire focus of the method is to create a better family, not a better individual.

Once the addicted individual agrees to go to alcohol and drug treatment, all loved ones involved in the intervention must experience a treatment of their own. Generally, it’s some form of counseling that teaches loved ones to manage their lives around the addict. With that, the loved ones will be expected to learn how to help their addict after treatment and how to cure any negative wounds produced by the drug and alcohol addiction.

Often, the ARISE method is planned in advance and has the potential to go through a couple of meetings. These interventions are meant to encourage addicted individuals while educating family members too.

Is an Intervention Right for You?


There are many occasions where addicted individuals don’t need an intervention to realize they need drug and alcohol treatment. Sometimes, it just hits them at the right moment of their lives. The necessity for a change becomes overwhelmingly dominant.

Yet, there remain plenty of cases where an addicted individual is in denial over the harm they are doing to others and themselves. And these are typically the addicted individuals that need an alcohol and drug intervention. There’s the common occurrence that an individual doesn’t even realize they have a problem with alcohol and/or drugs until somebody brings it up.

If you or anyone you love is seeking an intensive outpatient treatment program or are just seeking more information on interventions, Stonewall Institute Treatment Center is glad to help. Please, give us a call today at (602) 535 6468 or email us at [email protected].

What Makes Xanax So Dangerous to Take Recreationally?

What Makes Xanax So Dangerous to Take Recreationally?

The medical community first made Xanax, an anti-anxiety medication, available as a prescription in 1981. Today, drug dealers produce fake Xanax at alarming rates. The problem is that these pills are often pressed with other substances, including the lethal opioid fentanyl. As a result, overdose cases are increasingly common. In the rest of this article, we’re going to discuss the addictive properties of Xanax and why it’s so deadly when combined with fentanyl.

Xanax Drug Facts

Xanax, whose chemical name is alprazolam, has been heavily popularized by contemporary rap music. Its recreational use has skyrocketed over the last few years, and the prevalence of fake Xanax has gone up with it. A drug dealer can easily buy a pill press for $20 on the internet, crush up whatever substances they like, and sell it as prescription-grade alprazolam.

Mechanism of Action

Xanax is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines, which act on the brain by binding to specific GABA receptors. GABA is one of the primary neurotransmitters that impact anxiety. It’s inhibitory, meaning that GABA tells other neurotransmitters to calm down when they’re overactive. In the case of GABA, it communicates with the neurotransmitter glutamate. When you’re having anxiety, the over-expression of glutamate can be part of the cause. In cases such as these, a benzodiazepine like Xanax can suppress the expression of glutamate, resulting in decreased feelings of anxiety.

About Legal Xanax

Today, Xanax is one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the United States and is the most frequently prescribed benzodiazepine. Other benzodiazepines include diazepam, estazolam, quazepam, and clonazepam, among others. For most people, their first experience with Xanax is a legal prescription from their doctor. The most classic indication for Xanax is persistent anxiety accompanied by depression. Xanax is also prescribed for panic attacks, but since the development of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), benzodiazepines have become a secondary line of defense in such cases.

Xanax is Highly Addictive

Even with the blessing of your doctor, you should exercise extreme caution when taking Xanax. The tendency for Xanax addiction is high with benzodiazepines compared to other prescription drugs, and the withdrawals can be severe. In fact, benzodiazepines are the only class of drugs besides alcohol that can cause seizures upon withdrawal.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Xanax

Users who are trying to quit after a long period of use are most at risk for seizures. Other symptoms of withdrawal from long-term Xanax use include psychotic episodes, hallucinations, and suicide. Long-term use is described as daily Xanax use for three months or longer.

Those who take Xanax less frequently are still susceptible to a long list of side effects when they try to stop. These can include headache, nausea, palpitations, sleep disturbance, panic attacks, irritability, anxiety, poor memory, muscular pain and stiffness, hand tremors, and increased tension.

Gradually reducing your dosage over time can help to minimize withdrawal symptoms. It is not safe to abruptly discontinue long-term benzodiazepine use.

What Law Enforcement Has To Say About Fentanyl Use

According to the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) website, fentanyl is a banned opioid substance and is largely responsible for the recent nationwide spike in drug overdoses. Fentanyl, initially synthesized over 50 years ago, has enmeshed itself into the international drug supply. One of the most common final destinations for illicit fentanyl is the inside of an illegally pressed Xanax pill.

Why It’s So Easy to Overdose On Xanax That’s Laced With Fentanyl

Fentanyl is a cheap, synthetic opioid that’s far too potent for recreational use. Ironically, this is precisely why its use is so widespread. By sprinkling just a little bit of fentanyl into their Xanax concoction, dealers can significantly amplify the high. The danger is that adding even slightly too much fentanyl can result in a drug overdose. The likelihood of overdose increases when combined with a high Xanax dosage, other drugs, or alcohol.

Symptoms of Overdose From Xanax/Fentanyl

According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine. Drug dealers can press the pills so that they look indistinguishable from the real deal. The user has no idea that their pills are laced with fentanyl until they start to take effect.

If you’re suspicious that you or someone you know has possibly taken Xanax that’s been laced with fentanyl, be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

Symptoms of Fentanyl Overdose

  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Confusion
  • Pale face
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Low blood pressure
  • Limp body
  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Frequently losing consciousness

Symptoms of Xanax Overdose

  • Repeated loss of consciousness (including fainting)
  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Confusion

Notice that vomiting, pinpoint pupils and seizures are overdose symptoms of fentanyl but not of Xanax. Be on high alert for these signs when taking Xanax recreationally.

The Current Drug Overdose Epidemic

Over the last three years, deaths from drug overdoses have exploded in number, thanks largely to the massive influx of fentanyl into the drug supply. When officials released the figures from 2016, the statistics were staggering. Nationwide, statisticians estimate that 64,000 deaths were caused by drug overdoses in the year 2016 alone. That’s a 22% increase from 2015. Over this same time, drug overdoses involving fentanyl had more than doubled.

Xanax and Fentanyl Awareness Is On The Rise

On November 15th of 2017, the 23-year-old rapper, Lil Peep, died of a lethal drug overdose just hours before he was scheduled to perform in Tuscon, AZ. The young star was found unconscious and unresponsive on his tour bus after taking Xanax he had gotten from a fan. According to the coroner, no alcohol was found in Lil Peep’s system, and the official cause of death was a lethal overdose of Xanax and fentanyl.

The death of Lil Peep has sent shockwaves through the rap community. Several rappers who knew or were inspired by Lil Peep are now speaking out against Xanax use, including Lil Xan. Formerly a benzodiazepine addict himself, Lil Xan is now the leader of Xanarchy, a movement that’s dedicated to discouraging the use of Xanax.

On their own, Xanax and other benzodiazepines are dangerously addictive medications that have the potential for severe side effects and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. When combined with the opioid fentanyl, the potential for overdose is high. More people are dying every year form fentanyl-related drug overdoses, and the numbers are staggering. When you choose to take Xanax other than what you’re doctor prescribes, you’re not just running the risk of becoming addicted to benzodiazepines. You also have an excellent chance of your pills being laced with a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl.

If you or anyone you love is suffering from benzodiazepine addiction, or would like more information on the topics discussed above, please, give Stonewall Institute Treatment Center a call today at (602) 535-6468 or email us at [email protected].

alcohol screening phoenix

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug screenings and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals via recommendation of the Arizona MVD / Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation. The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence. Individuals are screened through an in-depth personal interview by a qualified professional which includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of:

1) Client psychosocial history
2) Physical health problems related to alcohol and/or drug use
3) Previous history of arrests related to alcohol and/or drug use
4) Decrease in attendance/productivity at work or school due to alcohol and/or drug use
5) Prior history of drug or alcohol treatment

Risk factors which you may not know about that can cause alcoholism are:

* Steady drinking over time. Drinking too much on a regular basis for an extended period can produce a physical dependence on alcohol.
* Age. People who begin drinking at an early age are at a higher risk of alcohol dependence or abuse.
* Sex. Men are more likely to become dependent on alcohol than are women. However, women are at greater risk of developing some medical complications linked to drinking, such as liver disease.
* Family history. The risk of alcoholism is higher for people who have a parent who abused alcohol.
* Depression and other mental health problems. It’s common for people with a mental health disorder such as anxiety or depression to abuse alcohol or other substances.
* Social and cultural factors. Having friends or a close partner who drinks regularly could increase your risk of alcoholism. The glamorous way that drinking is sometimes portrayed in the media may also send the message that it’s OK to drink excessively.

To speak with a counselor at the Stonewall Institute regarding alcohol screening phoenix, contact us today at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol screening Phoenix

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

Because denial is a frequent characteristic of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, you may not feel like you need treatment. You might not recognize how much you drink or how many problems in your life are related to alcohol use. Listen to family members, friends or co-workers when they ask you to examine your drinking habits or to seek help. The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence.

To speak with a counselor regarding alcohol screening phoenix, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Phoenix

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

People who abuse alcohol may have many of the same signs and symptoms as people who have full-blown alcoholism. However, if you abuse alcohol but aren’t completely addicted to it, you may not feel as much of a compulsion to drink. You may not have physical withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink. But alcohol abuse can still cause serious problems. As with alcoholism, you may not be able to quit drinking without help.

The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence.  If you would like to schedule an alcohol screening phoenix, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.

alcohol screening phoenix

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

Alcoholism is a chronic disease in which your body becomes dependent on alcohol. When you have alcoholism, you lose control over your drinking. You may not be able to control when you drink, how much you drink, or how long you drink on each occasion. If you have alcoholism, you continue to drink even though you know it’s causing problems with your relationships, health, work or finances.

To schedule an alcohol screening phoenix appointment today to discuss your problems with alcohol, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

alcohol screening phoenix

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

It’s possible to have a problem with alcohol but not have all the symptoms of alcoholism. This is known as “alcohol abuse,” which means you drink too much and it causes problems in your life although you aren’t completely dependent on alcohol. If you have alcoholism or you abuse alcohol, you may not be able to cut back or quit without help. A number of approaches are available to help you recover from alcoholism, including medications, counseling and self-help groups.

To schedule an alcohol screening phoenix, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Phoenix

The most common alcohol problems include:

Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is the type of problem drinking most often engaged in by young people in the 18- to 21-year-old age range. Within this age group binge drinking is more prevalent among college students than non-students. Researchers often define binge drinking as the consumption of four or more drinks at one sitting for males and three or more drinks at one sitting for females. Binge drinkers on college campuses are more likely to damage property, have trouble with authorities, miss classes, have hangovers, and experience injuries than those who do not. Students living on campuses with high rates of binge drinking experience more incidents of assault and unwanted sexual advances than students on campuses with lower binge drinking rates.

Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse often results in absence from, and impaired performance at, school and on the job, neglect of child care or household responsibilities, legal difficulties and alcohol consumption in physically dangerous circumstances such as while driving. Individuals who abuse alcohol may continue to drink despite the knowledge that their drinking causes them recurrent and significant social, interpersonal, or legal problems.

Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol dependence is a chronic and often progressive disease that includes a strong need to drink despite repeated social or interpersonal problems such as losing a job or deteriorating relationships with friends and family members. Alcohol dependence has a generally predictable course, recognizable symptoms, and is influenced by a complex interplay of genes, psychological factors such as the influence of family members and friends, and the effect of culture on drinking behavior and attitudes. Scientists are increasingly able to define and understand both the genetic and environmental factors that make an individual vulnerable to alcoholism.

Stonewall Institute is licensed by The State of Arizona, Department of Behavioral Health Services as an approved DUI service agency under ARS 28-692 and a behavioral health service agency, outpatient clinic.

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings Phoenix to court ordered Phoenix DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation.

Once the screening is complete, recommendations are made for DUI Education Phoenix and/or Treatment dependent upon the results of the screening. DUI Screenings are conducted by appointment Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. The screenings are approximately 1 hour in length.

To schedule an alcohol screening phoenix, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Phoenix

Stonewall Institute is licensed by The State of Arizona, Department of Behavioral Health Services as an approved DUI service agency Phoenix under ARS 28-692 and a behavioral health service agency, outpatient clinic.

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered Phoenix DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation. Once the screening is complete, recommendations are made for DUI Education and/or Treatment dependent upon the results of the screening. DUI Screenings are conducted by appointment Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. The screenings are approximately 1 hour in length.

Harmful Effects of Alcohol

* Alcohol–related crashes (i.e., those in which a driver or pedestrian had a blood alcohol concentration [BAC] greater than zero) account for 41 percent of all fatal car accidents .
* Alcohol abuse contributes to a range of chronic health consequences including cancer and cardiovascular disease.
* Alcohol use has been associated with increased risk of traumatic injury including: motor vehicle crashes, bicycling accidents, pedestrians, falls, fires, injuries in sports and recreational activities, interpersonal violence, and self–inflicted injuries.
* The economic costs of alcohol abuse in the United States are estimated to be approximately $185 billion annually.

To schedule an alcohol screening Phoenix, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Phoenix

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screening Phoenix to court ordered DUI Phoenix individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

People who abuse alcohol may have many of the same signs and symptoms as people who have full-blown alcoholism. However, if you abuse alcohol but aren’t completely addicted to it, you may not feel as much of a compulsion to drink. You may not have physical withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink. But alcohol abuse can still cause serious problems. As with alcoholism, you may not be able to quit drinking without help.

The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence.  If you would like to schedule an alcohol screening Phoenix, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.