Stonewall Insitute will answer any questions you may have about the revocation evaluation process. When a driver loses his or her driving privileges they must complete a revocation packet. The revocation process requires a revocation evaluation done with a licensed substance abuse counselor. Stonewall offers ADOT eligible DUI evaluations and mvd evaluations. The Arizona MVD will provide a revocation packet; contact Stonewall with more information on how to proceed and complete a substance abuse revocation assessment. Speak with a friendly Stonewall employee at 602.535.6468 or visit the website
Tag Archives: mvd evaluations
Stonewall Institute offers MVD evaluations for those who have a DUI revocation and are in need of an substance abuse revocation assessment. Stonewall Institute can walk you throught the Arizona MVD process for gaining your driving privileges back. An ADOT mandated revocation evaluation can seem like a dauntink task; Stonewall will make the experience as pleasant and manageable as possible. Contact Stonewall today 602.535.6468 or visit us on the web