Best Scottsdale DUI Screenings

Stonewall Institute provides the best Scottsdale DUI screenings because they are an approved screening provider for MVD. When you have been caught Driving under the Influence in Scottsdale, you will need to get an alcohol screening from a state-licensed DUI agency. Come to Stonewall Institute and we will file with MVD immediately after you complete your DUI screening. We provide the best service for Scottsdale alcohol and drug screenings. We have trained screening counselors waiting to see you.   Call today for an appointment at Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468 today and check out our website at

Best Alcohol Screenings Scottsdale

Stonewall Institute provides the best alcohol screenings for Scottsdale. If you’ve been stopped for a DUI in Scottsdale and need to get an alcohol screening in order to apply for an Arizona restricted driver’s license, Stonewall Institute is the place to get it done. Screening counselors at Stonewall Institute are fair and experienced in treating their clients with respect. If you need to get an MVD-required alcohol screening, call Stonewall Institute for an appointment today at 602-535-6468. For more information, check out our website at