Why Do We Get Hangovers?

The fun always has to come to an end. And when it comes to drinking, this fun generally results in a hangover. The feeling of a dry mouth, unbearable headache, and nausea. It’s terrible and people generally get the sense of regret upon waking up with such unpleasant sensation. Yet, it doesn’t stop many from making the same mistake again. And again.

Hangovers tend to make people feel achy in the muscles. Their eyes become much more sensitive, specifically to light. And there’s this overwhelming desire to continually drink water as thirst never seems to end. People with severe hangovers will find themselves dizzy, sweaty, and maybe a little agitated.

There’s reasoning behind all these terrible symptoms. Hours after your last drink is consumed, your blood alcohol level dramatically drops. With this, there’s a climax with these symptoms once your blood alcohol level has hit zero.

According to Robert Swift, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University, hangovers are just like withdrawals. When a non-addict is drinking – even if it’s their first time – their body becomes ever so slightly addicted to alcohol. Enough to the point where a hangover will pursue as a way to release the chemicals.

This gives us input as to why proper detoxing for alcohol addicts is so important. If just a taste of being drunk causes an individual to experience withdrawal symptoms, you can only imagine what it must be like for someone who’s a heavy drinker.

Different Hangovers for Different Alcohols

Have you ever noticed that certain drinks will leave you feeling more hungover the following day than others? The reason behind this is a chemical known as congeners.

Congeners are a byproduct found in alcohol after it has been fermented. A result of a mix of other chemicals such as methanol, acetone, esters, and more. Their main responsibility is to the taste and smell that an alcoholic drink will create. However, they will also constitute some of the taste for non-distilled drinks.

These chemicals are more common in darker liquors such as:

  • Red Wine
  • Dark Beer
  • Whiskey
  • Bourbon
  • Brandy

Knowing this will give an explanation as to why that Jack Daniels made you feel worse in the morning than the Smirnoff you had the week prior. For social drinkers, it’s something to keep in mind. Though hangovers are hard to avoid when you’ve decided to have your fun with alcohol, there are ways to make that morning nuance less overbearing.

However, for problem drinkers, the nuance stems much longer than the morning. As mentioned, alcoholics will experience withdrawals more frequently the more often they drink. Therefore, though the congeners are a confliction, the constant hangovers have more to do with the frequent intake of alcohol itself.

Symptoms Caused By Congeners

As we know, congeners are responsible for the feeling of a hangover. But what we have yet to discuss are the symptoms responsible for drinkings after effects.

The main one being dehydration. Alcohol is prominently known for getting rid of fluids within the body. With this in mind, you can assume that the more severely you drink, the more dehydrated your body will be. This will, inevitably, lead to an even more severe hangover.

Alcohol also fuels you with something called metabolites, which leaves irritation within your body’s fluids. This also catapults dehydration and can be blamed for any feelings of nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. It can also vex other areas of the body like your stomach lining and the muscles of your lower esophagus. Metabolites are the greatest responsibility for puking.

Yet, it’s the brain that truly is taking in much of the torment. Alcohol has an extremely depressing effect on brain cells that cause a person who’s drunk to lack coordination and hold sensations of dizziness. The more someone drinks, the more they are killing the cells in their brain accountable for proper analysis of how to handle oneself.

If you ever find yourself feeling weak due to drinking, it’s because of the combination of effects on the brain and in lowering your blood sugar. People who experience diseases that cause low blood sugar – such as hypoglycemia – will feel this vulnerability even more.

With all this information, it’s important for individuals to remind themselves that alcohol is – in some regards – poisoning the body. And if said individuals have any sort of medical concerns, they should be aware of what they could be doing to their bodies with the intake of alcohol.

Yet, even healthy individuals should keep an open eye as to how much they drink. Too much of the substance could lead to diseases later on, one of the most important being an addiction. For once addiction becomes an issue, there’s much deterioration that’s going to take place within the body.

Avoiding Hangovers

Is there truly a cure out there that will ensure people avoid hangovers while drinking? The simple answer is no. The only sure fire way to prevent these terrible feelings is to either not drink or drink less of a particular substance. With the knowledge of congeners in mind, you can consider which drinks are less likely to produce stronger hangovers, but you cannot avoid them.

What about the cases of some people not getting hangovers? It’s hard to pinpoint everyone’s reaction to alcohol because we all hold different responses to any sort of substance. Body weight, the amount of food in the digestive tract, and the speed at which alcohol is consumed all play a factor in the hangover that will follow the morning after. Most of the time, the people who don’t get hangovers are drinking more responsibly.

It should be noted that keeping your body hydrated while consuming alcohol will help with the symptoms. Yet, it’s not the answer to curing hangovers. They’re incurable once they’ve taken their effect. And the reason being is your body’s withdrawing from the substance and needs to time to rid itself of the chemicals.

For heavy drinkers, you are only fueling your withdrawal symptoms further with the more you drink. And you’re destroying your body and brain cells while this is going on.

If you or anyone you know going through an alcohol addiction and looking for a treatment plan, Stonewall Institute Treatment Center is happy to help. Please, give us a call at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].

How to Talk to Your Kids About Addiction

Proposing a conversation upon your children about another’s substance addiction is never easy. Whether the addict is a parent, sibling, or other close relatives, a child’s comprehension on the subject remains vague. Therefore, the adult intending to initiate such a conversation is going to have to explain the situation properly and efficiently enough for a child’s understanding.

Statistics show that more than 28 million children have at least one alcoholic parent. These children have been shown to grow up with emotional, behavioral, and academic problems. This is due to the fact that these children grow up facing issues the average child doesn’t have to handle. With addiction’s arbitrary inclinations, substance-abusing parents are more likely to threaten their children to abuse, neglect, and the witness of domestic violence.

Over time, these effects play their role, and children of addicted parents end up four times as likely to become drug addicts themselves. Depending on their environment, there’s the strong chance they won’t understand a life outside of their drug infested home. However, there are steps that can be taken to avoid this. One of the most important being the proper conversation.

To whoever decides to take this task upon themselves, you should be aware of a child’s developmental stages in coordination to living within an addict’s home. For example, if the addicted parent(s) never gave their children proper discipline, there’s the impregnable possibility that they will grow up with a shortfall in self-discipline and an understanding of their responsibility.

Emotions within a child as such can be confusingly sporadic. Often, the case of resentment becomes an issue. Especially as a child enters their adolescent years. With these emotions in mind, the conversation about addiction can get tricky. What you are about to undertake is the explanation of addiction’s destruction to a young, fragile mind that has already witnessed much of the horror. We should attempt to put that horror into perspective and a clear understanding for the child’s sake.

Listed below are different factors to keep in mind when preparing for the conversation. Obviously, everyone’s situation is different and no two conversations will be alike. But these factors have remained consistent in terms of how to handle a child born into an addicted family.

  • Cue Yourself Properly

    There’s a time and a place for this conversation. Preferably, within a private setting and following a pinnacle moment of the addict’s abuse. The talk should be one without distractions and remain in a relaxed manner.

    If there’s a plan set forth to help the addict, use the opportunity as a way to speak with the child. Bringing up that a solution is set in place is a reassuring factor to the overall discussion. If any major changes are to be expected within the child’s life, to shy away from bringing them up. Be sure to always let the child speak if they desire to and let him/her learn to open up to such a dilemma.

  • Remember the Child’s Age

    The maturity of the child has much to do with the way you’ll speak of the matter to them. They may be too young for big language or too old for skimpy details. Be upfront and speak the truth, but keep in mind two important aspects.

    1. The amount of information a child can retain truly depends on their age and understanding.
    2. The details of the situation may (or may not) be inappropriate for certain periods of time. For example, if the child’s parents have recently overdosed on a substance and the child has yet to enter preteen years, you’ll want to go about the situation in an illustrative, yet, forgiving manner.

    Remember to always end the conversation with a sense of hope. No matter how old a person is, hope can be a leading factor in how someone handles with the emotions of an addicted parent.

  • Educate Yourself

    If you are fairly unaware of how addiction works outside of the obvious traumas, it’s vital you teach yourself about the situation. The internet offers research on any regard to the subject. A look through Stonewall Institute’s blog will even give you much information on a variety of topics.

    More often than not, a child will have many questions upon addiction. It shouldn’t be underestimated that they’ll probably believe whatever the adult has to say. Without proper answers, you’ll find yourself misleading. If you truly don’t have an answer, there’s no reason not to look one up together.

  • Remain Honest

    Never let yourself mock-up an explanation or work around certain matters that may be sensitive towards the child. Lying is another way of underestimating a child’s intelligence. Though they may believe a lie or two, it’s unfair to place them in such a position. Though it has been said many times, honesty can go a long way.

  • Liberate Humiliation and Create Perspective

    There are many instances where children will blame themselves for their parent’s downfalls. It’s important a child realizes it isn’t their fault. With this, an addict’s behavior and intentions have more of a possibility of coming into perspective.

    Through this perspective, a child holds the potential of realizing that they are facing troubles on their own. And that these struggles are not their faults. It’s key to make sure they realize they are not alone in this struggle. More often than not, the person attempting to give this conversation has, likewise, been through much due to another person’s selfish decision.

    This can be an enlightening moment to bring up what’s called “The Seven C’s”. The National Association for Children of Alcoholics” have created this list as a way for children to better understand their situation.

    1. I didn’t CAUSE it.
    2. I can’t CURE it.
    3. I can’t CONTROL it.
    4. I can take CARE of myself.
    5. By COMMUNICATING my feelings,
    6. Making healthy CHOICES, and
    7. By CELEBRATING myself.

  • Remain Open to the Child’s Words

    Children who are put in such a position may feel disconnected from many around them. If so, you should attempt to understand this disconnection and give them time to open up to you. The emotions they must combat are strong and patience is a vital factor in helping their comprehension.

  • Look for Other Support

    Sometimes we can’t give a child everything they need. No matter how hard we try, there are areas of understanding beyond our own comprehension. And professional help becomes a possibility. Whether it be a counselor, teacher, therapist, or religious leader, a child may find their comfort in places outside of you.

    If you or anyone you know is looking for a treatment plan or you would like more information on how to properly talk to children about addiction, please, give us a call at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].

How to Recognize a Heroin Addiction

A recent epidemic has been escalating in the United States involving many young teenagers and adults. For some time, heroin seemed to only be a problem revolving around lower class neighborhoods. However, in recent years, we’ve seen it shift to middle and upper-class areas.

Every day, we are seeing heroin creep into the lives of our families and friends. The problem isn’t just with teenagers and young adults. Men and women with children are just as susceptible to becoming addicted.

And with this escalation in opiate use, it’s important we make ourselves aware of what addiction looks like before it overcomes our loved ones. With the right knowledge, you might be able to stop an addiction before it’s too late.

The Birth of the Epidemic

Though opiate addiction isn’t a new epidemic, there are some ideas to how all this addiction grew in recent years. The United States is known to prescribe millions of medications annually to help with a variety of pains. But there’s one little pill that has caused more trouble than help.

OxyContin hit the market in the early 2000s and was labeled as the perfect pain medication. Before long, people were realizing how highly addictive the substance is. Besides OxyContin, a number of other opiate-based pain medication was being released to the public.

  • Lortab
  • Percocet
  • Vicodin
  • Hydrocodone

With the recent heroin epidemic, we are noticing that many of the individual’s addicted started using these sorts of substances.

Usually, an individual addicted to the above-mentioned drugs will search for something more powerful in order to get the feelings of opiate euphoria again. Either that or they can no longer obtain a prescription medication and turn to the streets for their fix.

The Signs of Heroin Addiction

In places like Arizona, there’s been not only a noticeable rise in those becoming addicted but also a threatening escalation in those overdosing. However, this epidemic is popping up all over the country. Specifically, the Northeast United States is getting it the worst.

Another apparent sign of the epidemic is that every year, less and less are being treated in rehabilitation facilities for alcohol and prescription medication. Rather, we are noticing an increase in those needing treatment for heroin addiction.

These statistics gives us a peek into what is happening with the drug epidemic in the United States. More and more seem to be jumping straight to heroin, especially in the younger generations. The concern lies in these young people’s education on not only the fatality of such a substance, but it’s highly addictive nature.

The clues to whether a loved one is using or not are fairly straightforward. If you’re curious as to whether your loved one is using heroin, answer the following questions.

  • Did he/she undergo a sudden and drastic change in behavior that’s led him/her to seem withdrawn from society and/or family and friends?
  • Has he/she spent more time alone recently rather than going out?
  • Does he/she avoid seeking out new crowds to hang out with?
  • Has there been a sudden loss of weight and/or appetite in him/her?

There’s also the question of whether marks are appearing on their skin (preferably, in places where veins are easily accessible). However, it cannot be forgotten that heroin can be snorted and smoked.

If you have concern over a loved one and would like more information on heroin addiction, Stonewall Institute Treatment Center is always here to answer your questions. If you are led to believe that a loved one is using and are seeking out help, please give us a call at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].

The Timeline of an Alcohol Detox

If you have any concern over what an individual experience while going through an alcohol detox, this blog should reassure that it’s nothing out the impossible. There’s no denying the difficulty behind an alcohol detox. Yet, we at Stonewall Institute Treatment Center guarantee it will be one of the most rewarding transitions of you or your loved one’s life.

This timeline evaluates a five to seven day period in which the detox will take place. After this period, the chemicals of alcohol will have been erased from your system. However, it should be reminded that a transition to sobriety takes longer than just a week. Taking on a sober life is more than just detoxing, it’s readjusting the mind into a new state of happiness.

Likewise, individuals should keep in mind that the only proper way to detox is through proper medical attention. Without this, there are the potential consequences towards your health. A medical profession will assure that you not only remain healthy but that you are in understanding of the important steps to follow detox.

The Medical Evaluation

Upon signing yourself up within a facility that detoxes, the first step is looking into where your health currently stands. You can expect medical professionals to go through a quick assessment overlooking what your needs will be for the detox to follow. Depending on your physical and mental health, you may need a little more time and attention than others will in detoxing.

Eight Hours Following Your Last Drink

This section is in concerns mainly to those experiencing alcoholism. It is expected that those who are very dependent will begin feeling withdrawal symptoms eight hours following their final drink. These symptoms are noted as being rather mild.

There’s always the possibility that you may have already experienced this at some point or another through your alcoholism. This sort of withdrawal tends to appear in an alcoholic’s life when they go a day or two without drinking. Sometimes, even after just an eight hour night’s sleep.

24 to 72 Hours

After twenty-four hours of no alcohol in the system, an addicted individual will find themselves facing much more severe withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the fact that the body is expecting an alcoholic substance to be swallowed as that’s what it’s grown used to.

The chemical structure of alcohol has changed the chemical structure of your body. And without alcohol in your system, your body is confused over what to do.

This is why it’s important you are under the care of medical attention. Though withdrawal symptoms vary from individual to individual, this is generally considered the most difficult timeframe of alcohol detox.

What you can expect is a rapid heartbeat, increased body temperature, or mental confusion. Medical professionals will look into assuring that these conditions are controlled as your body undergoes the transition into sobriety.

After 72 Hours

This is widely considered as the peak of alcohol detox. 72 hours after your last drink, your body is experiencing the final, yet, most extreme changes. Some have gone to lengths of feeling symptoms such as seizures, serious agitation, and fevers.

Likewise, with the previous timeframe, the 72-hour mark is when an individual greatly needs to make sure they’re under medical attention.

The Final Days

After around five to seven days, alcohol will have been completely detoxed from the body. As mentioned, this isn’t the end of the road in your addiction treatment. Rather, it’s the end of the road in ridding the chemicals of your body.

What follows from here is a number of options towards your treatment:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Holistic Therapy
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment

If you or anyone you know is looking for an alcohol detox or addiction treatment or simply just have more questions about the process, Stonewall Institute Treatment Center is here to help. Please give us a call at 602 535 6468 or email us at [email protected].

Teen Heroin Use and the Effects on Mental Health

With the recent heroin epidemic creeping its way into the teenagers of America, there have been studies on the effects of opioid usage in developing brains. It might be obvious that heroin will in no way help those on their way to becoming adults. However, it’s important we educate ourselves on how a teenager’s brain isn’t developing properly while under the influence.

Within a study published in Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, a team of researchers has discovered the mental health damages found in heroin addicted adolescents and compared it to adolescents addicted to other substances that aren’t classified under opioids.

It’s notable that heroin addicted teens are more likely to suffer from symptoms of depression, anxiety, and an overall poor concept of their self-image. This fact alone shows that heroin use is very dangerous even outside its potentially fatal consequences. With the developing brain on such an intense substance, an addicted adolescent is preventing themselves from growing many of their psychology’s capabilities.

Teen Usage Statistics

The National Institute of Drug Abuse holds an annual survey tracking the statistics of heroin usage in teenagers between the grades of eighth and twelfth. For those interested in doing research on their own, the survey’s proper title is Monitoring the Future.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse has been running this survey since 1975 and notes that heroin use has gone up within the last decade. One of the biggest reasons for this is because purer heroin became available sometime in the 1990’s. Through that, people began smoking and snorting it rather than just injecting.

The survey will tell you that about 0.6% of twelfth and tenth graders consume heroin at least once over the course of a year. While 0.5% of eighth graders intake the substance. If we can compare these numbers to that of the 1970’s, there remains an increase. However, the Institute notes that they were only surveying needle injections up until 1995. Therefore, the team wasn’t accounting for the use of heroin with these other methods before they became popular.

One notable fact is even though heroin isn’t quite as favored amongst high school teens as it is in young adults, other opioid substances (mostly prescription medication) have seen an increase in popularity. In a previous blog, we mentioned how one of the most sufficient causes for heroin use is an opium addiction starting with other substances. We can link the increase of heroin use in young adults with the increase in opioid prescriptions amongst teenagers.

Effects on a Teen’s Mental Health

As mentioned earlier, the Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse conducted a survey in which they took heroin-addicted teenagers and compared them to teenagers addicted to other substances. Fifty-two of the teens were experiencing heroin addiction while sixty-eight were noted as having a non-opioid addiction.

The researchers found that those addicted to heroin were more likely to hold the traits of the following mental behaviors:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Disruptive conduct
  • Poor concept of oneself

Though these traits can be common even in non-drug users, the study concluded that there was a significant difference in attitude between heroin addicted teens and those addicted to other substances.

We can conclude that heroin has some major effects on the developing brain that teenagers should want to avoid. And though other addictions don’t seem to hold such a major threat, they still threaten heroin usage in later years. Most notably, if they are addictions of prescribed opioid substances.

If you have any questions in concern to teen heroin usage or you are looking for a treatment plan to help an addicted teenager, please give Stonewall Institute Treatment Center a call at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].

Defining Alcohol Poisoning

If we can understand what alcohol poisoning (or alcohol overdosing) is, there’s a chance we can stop the 2,200 deaths per year it invokes.

Those most susceptible to alcohol poisoning are men between the ages of 35 and 65. This is due to the fact that a person’s body of that age frame isn’t as receptive as that of someone in their twenties. However, that’s not to say people in their twenties aren’t still at risk.

Alcohol poisoning is when an individual drinks too much alcohol and the body struggles to process it through. Inevitably, this leads to certain areas of the brain shutting down that are in control of your body temperature, breathing, and heart rate. These are vital not only to your health but also your life and if shut down, there can be fatal results.

There are a number of signs for you to look out for if someone is experiencing alcohol poisoning:

● Pale skin and/or bluish skin coloring (usually round lips and fingertips)

● Irregular breathing/extremely slow breathing

● Low body temperature

● Torpor/the inability to wake up or be woken up by others

● Seizure

● Vomiting

The cause of alcohol poisoning is an intake of alcohol to the level that it becomes toxic. For those who drink a glass of wine or two, there’s nothing to fear. For the person downing shot after shot at a club, there’s more of a risk. If an individual’s blood alcohol concentration exceeds 0.30%, then alcohol poisoning has entered the body.

Keep in mind, that all our bodies are built differently. Therefore, not all of us will experience a rise in blood alcohol concentration the same. Depending on your height, weight, gender, you might be able to handle more alcohol or less. There’s also the consideration of whether you’re eating and drinking water with the consumption of alcohol, how quickly you’re drinking, and what kind of beverage you are having. Tequila has a much higher risk than a glass of beer.

As mentioned before, the majority of those over the age of 35 are at more risk of dying from alcohol poisoning than that of a young adult. However, since a young adult hasn’t had much experience with alcohol, they can be facing the same risks as well.

When young adults drink in excess, many of them are at a stage in their lives where they are unaware of how much alcohol their bodies can handle. They may even underestimate the effects of alcoholic beverages that don’t taste so pungent; such as mix drinks.

The last factor to consider is those who quit alcohol for a period of time and go back to it drinking at high levels are also at great risk.

If you are a recovering addict feeling unable to control the urges to go back to alcohol, you should seek medical attention. The risks of alcohol poisoning in recovering addicts are much higher than that of a person just getting started with the substance.

If you’re looking for more information on alcohol or alcohol recovery, please give us a call at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].

How to Stay Motivated Through Treatment

More often than not, people check into a treatment facility with the intention of staying for the average rehabilitation length; 28 days. To think that the recovery process only lasts a month is underestimating the journey you’re about to take. Usually, rehabilitation under supervision lasts up to around 90 days. Yet, it continues throughout the rest of your life.

Maybe you have a loved one entering treatment for their addiction. Or maybe you’re addicted yourself and are looking for a way to handle the process. There are three separate factors that all correlate to help influence addicts stay motivated through treatment.

● Individual engagement

● Facility engagement

● Intensive interventions


Through these three factors, your treatment process will not only be successful but also reassure the motivation behind such a life changing decision.


Individual Engagement

There are instances where addicts are forced into treatment and, in the end, don’t recover. This has much to do with their lack of individual engagement.

One of the most important steps in recovery is an individual making the decision to quit themselves. If you desire to change your life in this regard, there’s more of an inclination to carry out the steps that proceed.

Addicts who find themselves in a full recovery are often self-motivated by their own ambition. This is why individual engagement is so important.

To ensure a successful treatment, here’s a list of some ways in which an individual can stay engaged:

● Support from loved ones

● Motivated to make a change

● Pressures from outside sources (work, relationships, criminal justice system)


Facility Engagement

Though an individual can’t necessarily be held responsible for a facility’s engagement, the facility in question is still your choice. This is why it’s vital for you to pick the right facility for your treatment.

Without the right engagement, an addict may lose faith in their abilities and never recover. When deciding upon a facility, look out for these key factors:

● Cooperative treatment plan

● Clear and concise treatment expectations

● Positive and promising therapeutical relationships with the staff

● Professional resources available (medicinal, social service, psychiatric)


Intensive Intervention

One of the most difficult aspects of addiction is an individual is forced to change direct areas of their personality. To go from high to sobriety may be a change in itself, but that change carries along with it a load of minor changes. With this, some individuals get unmotivated to make the change and end up dealing with intensive interventions.

When these situations come into play, those around the individual must know to step up and say something. Whether it be a family member, a faculty staff, a friend, a counselor, or even a co-worker, everyone in the individual’s life must remind him/her that he’s/she’s not on this journey alone. This gives off the impression of care in one’s life and care alone has the ability to motivate someone.

There have been instances where addicts attempt to get out of treatment, even if they had put themselves into it. Often, the change seems too radical for them to handle. It is important that we never let an individual feel undetermined about themselves and to lift them up in times of desperation.



If you or anyone you know has the desire to make this change, please feel free to call Stonewall Institute Treatment Center at 602-535-6468 for more information on treatment. You may also email us at [email protected].

Marijuana Addiction

With a cultural movement happening across America where the legalization of marijuana is taking its effect, many are ignoring the notion that THC is addictive. This is partly due to its medical benefits and partly due to the idea that marijuana is harmless. Yet, recent studies have concluded otherwise.

For one, the THC levels have risen dramatically. About ten years ago, a marijuana plant contained 10% THC. Nowadays, that number has risen to around 30%. With such higher THC levels, we are finding that there are many incidents of excessive doses, toxic reactions, and medical emergency events spawned by consumption of marijuana.

Symptoms for Marijuana Dependence

It should be noted that many signs of addiction are similar to that of other substances. For example, if you’re finding yourself building a strong tolerance to the weed, there’s a potential for addiction. Often, people smoke more and more in order to feel the effects of THC.

A question that is important to consider; is marijuana conflicting with your interpersonal relationships, your job, and/or your education? Studies have shown that chronic smokers are often unmotivated and lack productivity in their daily lives which results in the intake of more marijuana.

Have you ever attempted to quit marijuana, but found it rather difficult? Being that marijuana is perceived as nonaddictive, many users try to quit on their own terms. Though there are those who come out successful, there’s also the flip side of the coin. Continued unsuccessful attempts at quitting marijuana is a sign of dependence.

Maybe you’ve attempted to quit, but found yourself feeling strange. Marijuana comes with its own set of withdrawal symptoms.

● Lack of sleep

● Loss of appetite

● Anxiety and/or depression

● Irritability (usually caused by a lack of sleep)

● Loss of focus/constant fatigue

● Gastrointestinal distress

● Strong cravings (which gives the chance of relapse)

The reason your body withdrawals in this regard is because THC stays in the system for months after quitting. Being that the chemical is still floating around, your body often expects for you to get high again.



Since marijuana withdrawals are not as powerful or dangerous as that of other drugs, medical supervision isn’t quite necessary. However, there are instances where individuals seek out some medical assistance. Usually because of their lack of sleep. Due to the fact that anxiety and depression are also factors of withdrawal, it’s important to keep a positive mindset when quitting any substance. Therefore, if you find yourself with either or, therapeutic help is recommended.

The most important element to remember when quitting marijuana (or any substance, for the matter) is that you must stay motivated to do so. Many people don’t quit simply because they aren’t motivated enough to face the unpleasant withdrawals. Keeping a positive mindset while taking this journey is the key to successful sobriety.



Stonewall Institute Treatment Center offers an Intensive Outpatient Program for addiction to any substance, including marijuana. If you’d like more information about this and/or questions about marijuana addiction, please call us at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].


Detoxing From Alcohol

Have you ever wondered how long it will take to detox from alcohol? With nearly 17.5 million Americans currently abusing alcohol (according to National Survey on Drug Use and Health), you are not alone on the question.

Before undergoing recovery, it’s understandable to feel some sort of anxiety. The most important knowledge to remember is that the road to sobriety is never easy, but always gratifying by the end.

Detoxing is your first step on this road to recovery. Due to the fact that your body is so accustomed to intaking alcohol, it has adjusted all of its systems and maintenance to coincide with the substance’s chemicals. Now that you’ve decided to rid yourself of these toxins, your body must adjust back to a sober lifestyle.

The first week of detoxing is when you’ll experience the most chemical changes. Admittedly, this is will most likely be the most physically painful step you’ll have to make. But after around ten days, the body usually completely detoxes itself and afterward, you’ll be on your way to sober living.

It should be noted that it’s very important you detox under medical supervision. This assures not only the successfulness of the detox but also your life. With heavy alcohol use, there’s a chance of fatality when detoxing. Being that your body is accustomed to the chemicals, a sudden withdrawal can lead to a seizure, heart arrhythmias, and kidney/liver dysfunction. All of which have lethal potential.

On top of this, you want to make sure your body is getting proper medical care. With a professional’s attention, you can assure yourself that your body will be treated back to its healthy state.


What Happens After You Detox?

There are multiple decisions you can make that are completely up to you. However, it should be noted that just because you’ve detoxed doesn’t mean you’ve completely recovered. Though the chemicals are out of your system and your body is feeling normality once again, there’s always the chance of relapse.

To seek out further treatment is to continue on this road towards sobriety. Rehabilitation treatment offers prior addicts to get a sense of who they are and why they’ve made such a strong decision. Most importantly, it’s been proven to eliminate many of the urges telling you to go back to a substance.

If you decide on rehab then you’ll be greatly diminishing your chances of relapsing. The program you find yourself in will have to do with a number of factors:

● Co-occurring conditions you may have

● Your history (and/or family’s history) with addiction

● Other personal needs

● Insurance/payment methods


Stonewall Institute Treatment Center

If you have any questions in regards to detoxing or are looking for more resources on where and how to detox, please give us a call today at 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected]. We’d be more than happy to help.


Opioid Epidemic Triggers Arizona into Statewide Emergency


The Arizona Department of Health Services just released a set of data that shows in 2016, there were 790 opioid-related deaths across the state. This calculates to an average of more than two deaths per day.

The opium trend has seen a nationwide increase in recent years. The New York Times reported a 39% increase in American heroin deaths between 2012 and 2013. In the state of Arizona, the opium market has seen a distressing increase of 74% in the four years.

Out of concern over where this all can lead, Governor Doug Ducey signed an emergency declaration on June 5th, 2017 to address the issue. This declaration directs the Arizona Department of Health Services to quickly make a response to the growing epidemic.


“As the number of opioid overdoses and deaths increase at an alarming rate, we must take action. It’s time to call this what it is – an emergency,” proclaimed Governor Ducey. “Most of us know someone impacted by substance abuse – our family, our friends, our neighbors. Our hearts ache for them, but that isn’t enough. We must do more. I’m declaring a statewide health emergency because we need to know more about the epidemic, including enhanced data that illustrates when and where these overdoses occur so that we can develop real, targeted solutions.”


Stonewall Institute Treatment Center understands the Governor’s concern and the necessity of a statewide emergency. Being that we’re a facility aimed to care for those looking to come off these sort of substances, we assure that we are going to do all in our power to help with this epidemic.


“The only way we will be able to make an impact in the opioid epidemic is to come together as a community, and this declaration helps us move forward quickly,” assured Dr. Cara Christ, director of the Arizona Department of Health Services. “We will look into improving prescription practices, addressing polydrug use, and analyzing raw data on overdose deaths that occur to see where the problem areas are and learn how we can make changes to save lives.”


This declaration will give Arizona the capability of coordinating with a variety of different public health efforts, whether statewide, local, or even private. The goal of this to allow the state to employ all its public health resources.

The idea is to prevent:

● the epidemic from spreading even further.

● more drug overdose deaths.

The declaration articulates enhanced reporting from doctors and hospitals, in terms of opioid overdoses. This declaration has been passed in a time when change is absolutely needed. If you or anyone you know has been victim to this opioid epidemic, please help us make that change.

To schedule a tour of our facility, make an appointment for an Evaluation, or just have questions about your options, call Stonewall Institute Treatment Center today: 602-535-6468 or email us at [email protected].