Alcohol Evaluation Arizona

Addiction is a primary, chronic, neurobiological disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. It is characterized by behaviors that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving.

Physical dependence is a state of adaptation that is manifested by a drug class specific withdrawal syndrome that can be produced by abrupt cessation, rapid dose reduction, decreasing blood level of the drug, and/or administration of an antagonist.

Tolerance is the body’s physical adaptation to a drug: greater amounts of the drug are required over time to achieve the initial effect as the body “gets used to” and adapts to the intake.

To schedule a DUI-Related Substance Abuse Evaluation, contact Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468


DUI Evaluation Tempe

Drug addiction and treatment involves physical, mental and emotional characteristics. Mental and emotional addiction leads to psychological dependency symptoms, such as cravings, irritability, insomnia, depression and anxiety. Psychological addiction is very complex. In theory, this type of addiction can be derived from any rewarding behavior. Even pleasurable activities can become addictions, if they become uncontrollable, such as gambling, internet addiction, sexual addiction, overeating, work addiction, pornography addiction or exercise addiction. It is considered possible to be both psychological and physically addicted at the same time. 

To schedule a DUI-Related Substance Abuse Evaluation, contact Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468

DUI Evaluation Tempe

Alcohol intoxication is common in modern society, largely because of its widespread availability. More than 8 million Americans are believed to be dependent on alcohol, and up to 15% of the population is considered at risk. In some studies, more than half of all trauma patients are intoxicated with ethanol at the time of arrival to the trauma center. 

Acute intoxication can result in respiratory depression, aspiration, hypotension, and cardiovascular collapse. 

Chronic use of alcohol results in hepatic and gastrointestinal injuries. Coma, stupor, respiratory depression, hypothermia, and death can result from high concentrations of acute alcohol intoxication. Chronic alcoholics are also at risk for hypoglycemia.  

To obtain a drug evaluation  / alcohol evaluation in Tempe, contact Stonewall Institute in Phoenix, Arizona at 602-535-6468.

Tempe alcohol screening

Alcohol abuse vs alcoholism

Alcohol abuser
Drinks to get drunk. Drinks in social situations, often to excess; externally driven by peer pressure or circumstance; usually has periods of sobriety between binges or parties.
Drinks to prevent withdrawal, to become ‘normal,’ and then gets drunk; drinks whether or not the situation calls for it and may seek out permissible circumstances, but will drink in any case; may have some sobriety but at great difficulty.

In the state of Arizona, the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) automatically suspends a person’s driver’s license for a minimum of 90 days regardless of whether the person is found guilty or not guilty of DUI. A person can however, obtain a restricted driver’s license to legally drive to and from work, school, or treatment provided that the person obtain an Tempe alcohol screening by a licensed agency prior to the initial hearing.

Stonewall Institute is a state licensed agency qualified to perform MVD Alcohol Screenings. Once a client completes the Tempe MVD Screening with Stonewall Institute, our agency immediately submits electronic documentation to MVD verifying that the screening was completed. We also provide each client with important documentation necessary to bring to the courts.

To schedule an Alcohol Screening Tempe contact us at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

In the state of Arizona, the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) automatically suspends a person’s driver’s license for a minimum of 90 days regardless of whether the person is found guilty or not guilty of Tempe DUI. A person can however, obtain a restricted driver’s license to legally drive to and from work, school, or treatment provided that the person obtain an Tempe alcohol screening by a licensed agency prior to the initial hearing.

Stonewall Institute is a state licensed agency located in Phoenix, Arizona. We are qualified to perform MVD Alcohol Screenings. Once a client completes the MVD Screening with Stonewall Institute, our agency immediately submits electronic documentation to MVD verifying that the screening was completed. We also provide each client with important documentation necessary to bring to the courts.

To schedule an Alcohol Screening Tempe contact us at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

Stonewall Institute is licensed by The State of Arizona, Department of Behavioral Health Services as an approved DUI service agency under ARS 28-692 and a behavioral health service agency, outpatient clinic.

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation.

Once the screening is complete, recommendations are made for DUI Education Tempe and/or Treatment dependent upon the results of the screening. DUI Screenings Tempe are conducted by appointment Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. The screenings are approximately 1 hour in length.  To schedule an appointment call us today at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI Tempe individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation.
The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence. Individuals are screened through an in-depth personal interview by a qualified professional which includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of:

1) Client psychosocial history
2) Physical health problems related to alcohol and/or drug use
3) Previous history of arrests related to alcohol and/or drug use
4) Decrease in attendance/productivity at work or school due to alcohol and/or drug use
5) Prior history of drug or alcohol treatment

To schedule an alcohol screening Tempe, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

Stonewall Institute is licensed by The State of Arizona, Department of Behavioral Health Services as an approved DUI service agency under ARS 28-692 and a behavioral health service agency outpatient clinic.

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI Tempe individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation.  If you are in need of a DUI counselor phoenix, look no further than the Stonewall Institute.  DUI Screening Tempe, alcohol abuse Tempe, alcohol counselor Tempe, we can meet your needs.

To schedule an alcohol screening Tempe, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Tempe

Harmful Effects of Alcohol

* Alcohol–related crashes (i.e., those in which a driver or pedestrian had a blood alcohol concentration [BAC] greater than zero) account for 41 percent of all fatal car accidents .9
* Alcohol abuse contributes to a range of chronic health consequences including cancer and cardiovascular disease. 10
* Alcohol use has been associated with increased risk of traumatic injury including: motor vehicle crashes, bicycling accidents, pedestrians, falls, fires, injuries in sports and recreational activities, interpersonal violence, and self–inflicted injuries.11
* The economic costs of alcohol abuse in the United States are estimated to be approximately $185 billion annually.12

Stonewall Institute is licensed by The State of Arizona, Department of Behavioral Health Services as an approved DUI service agency Tempe under ARS 28-692 and a behavioral health service agency, outpatient clinic.

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screenings to court ordered Tempe DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation. Once the screening is complete, recommendations are made for DUI Education and/or Treatment dependent upon the results of the screening. DUI Screenings are conducted by appointment Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. The screenings are approximately 1 hour in length.

To schedule an alcohol screening Tempe, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

alcohol screening tempe

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screening Tempe to court ordered DUI Tempe individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

People who abuse alcohol may have many of the same signs and symptoms as people who have full-blown alcoholism. However, if you abuse alcohol but aren’t completely addicted to it, you may not feel as much of a compulsion to drink. You may not have physical withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink. But alcohol abuse can still cause serious problems. As with alcoholism, you may not be able to quit drinking without help.

The goal of the alcohol screening is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence.  If you would like to schedule an alcohol screening Tempe, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.